What is common?最新版下载游戏攻略
Can you guess all the levels without opening additional pictures?
Look at the pictures and think about what unites them.
It's not as easy as it seems! The correct answer can be a noun, an adjective, and other parts of speech!
Click on the letters to collect the correct answer.
Feature of game:
-100 bright and colorful levels with different difficulty;
-An elaborate system of prompts and rewards;
- You can skip a level and pass it later.
- Support of Russian and English language
-You can play with the whole family at home or on the way to work or school or university.
Enjoy the game! :)
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在今年的8月初,我们与Phoenix One Games公司合作,成功拿下他们的顶级战略类游戏《守卫者王国》
可千万不能小看Phoenix One Games,他们的成员全部是来自Kabam、暴雪(Blizzard)、艺电(Electronic Arts)和Zynga等著名游戏公司,他们通过这款游戏向业内王者...