Happy Phirr Bhag Jayegi最新版下载游戏攻略
Happy Phirr Bhag Jayegi official movie based game from Eros Now.
The objective of this game is run as long as possible avoiding all kinds of obstacles on the way.
Happy is running on the streets avoiding obstacles by sliding, single jump and double jump. Avoid obstacles and take coins.
Controls - Swipe up to jump & Swipe down to slide . For double jump swipe twice.
Magnet: Attracts all the near by coins.Upgrade will increase the duration of the magnet,stay longer time on the screen.
2X Powerup: When this powerup is on,it's double the collected coins while running till it ends. Upgrade will increase the duration.
Shield Mode: When this is on it keeps alive the player even if he hits the obstacles.
Upgrade of this powerup increase the duration.
Chopper Mode: When the player collects this powerup he will fly in the air alongwith chopper for certain distance and also attracts all the nearby coins.Upgrade of this powerup will increase the duration.
日本厂商Happy Elements旗下Cacalia Studio新作手机游戏《魔物实况者》(日:マモノチューバーズ)(iOS/Android)已于昨日正式推出。
近日,HIKARI FIELD正式宣布将推出恋爱游戏《茂伸奇谈-happy end-》的简体中文版。该游戏在2013年登陆PC平台,面向全年龄玩家。
《茂伸奇谈-happy end-》是日本新锐美少女厂商Lose的知名作品,是一款GAL游戏,游戏的音乐旋律优美,系统制作完善而且人性化,CV阵容强大,每个人物都配有语音(包括男主人公),剧情治愈向,总之是新作中的不错的作品。
happy glass手游level178大家都通过了吗?还没有的话,一起来看看小编给大家带来的快乐玻璃杯第178关的三星画法吧
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