Ultra Sharp Slice最新版下载游戏攻略
How fast can you slice the color balls in this ultra sharp game? Try and see.
Ultra Sharp Slice is a relex/reaction game designed for all the fans of sword games and fast slicing games.
Ultra Sharp Slice has two different modes:
- Classic mode where you have to slice the color balls before they fall to save your 3 lives, but be careful of the deadly bomb.
- Arcade mode where you have to defeat the chronometer and slice as much color balls as you can within 90 seconds.
If you're looking for keywords such as:
Free ultra sharp game
Slice game
Balls game
Sword / knife
Ultra sharp slice
Slice the fruits
Ninja game
Then start installing Ultra Sharp Slice and enjoy it.
Ultra Sharp是一款非常火的小游戏,那么Ultra Sharp游戏怎么玩?有什么技巧?很多玩家可能还不太清楚,下面小编为大家带来了Ultra Sharp游戏新手玩法详解,感兴趣的玩家一起来看看吧!
Ultra Sharp游戏新手玩法详解:
如果你曾玩过 Super Sharp,相信你对本作不会有陌生感。ptra Sharp 与前作一样,都是通过对画面中的图形进行切割,让碎片在重力的...
Ultra Sharp中文版下载是一款小游戏,这款游戏在好几个国家都风靡了哦,Ultra Sharp手游玩法简单,就是利用手机去切割屏幕上的物体,操作简单,也没有什么新奇之处,但是就是让人上瘾哦,街机玩法的风格,感兴趣的快来下载吧!
Ultra Sharp中文版下载游戏资料
Ultra Sharp中文版下载是一款拥有独特玩法的线条切割关卡挑战游戏,你需要用你的手指滑动屏幕来切割各种形状的方...
Ultra Sharp游戏,一款以切切切为玩法的游戏,在游戏中,使用手指进行切切切,体验从未如此锐利的手指!成为一个切割大师!
Ultra Sharp游戏简介
备受瞩目且屡获殊荣的物理游戏“Super Sharp”(2015年度编辑精选)现已推出!
利用完美的切割技巧完成Ultra Sharp 192个巧妙的手工制作级别,成为切割大师!
Ultra Shar...