Group It! - Early Access最新版下载游戏攻略
Group It! The simple game of finding groups of 3 cards!
Easy to play, difficult to master!
Many gamemodes, including:
• Endless - A relaxing mode to find as many groups as you can!
• Timed - Find as many groups as possible in a set time limit!
• Deck - Try to group a whole deck of cards!
• Pace - An extra-fun mode to find new groups quickly!
Each mode can be played on easy mode or hard mode, making it easier or harder to find groups!
All with unique sound effects and animated backgrounds!
Please Note: The current state of the game is in early-access. The following features are planned to be added:
• Highscores with facebook friends!
• Achievements and daily challenges!
• Multiplayer in all modes! A current multiplayer mode is in the works, and is nearly complete!
• New themes and content!
Note: Group It! is inspired by the card game Set, however is in no way affiliated, endorsed or associated by Set Enterprises.
《抱歉,詹姆斯(Sorry, James)》隐藏成就Full access获取攻略,《抱歉,詹姆斯(Sorry, James)》隐藏成就Full access怎么获取?小伙伴还不知道隐藏成就怎么获取吗?下面就来和小编一起看看方法吧!
隐藏成就Full access获取攻略
Full access
今天,EA宣布《死亡空间3》已于日前加入EA Access,现在订阅EA Access会员的Xbox One玩家可以免费体验这款游戏。随着《死亡空间3》的加入,日前EA Access游戏库已经包含了《死亡空间》完整三部曲游戏以及一个2D动作解谜游戏《死亡空间:点燃》。
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参加问卷有机会参与官方的抽奖,官方将会抽出1000名玩家提供2把Early Bird Key。
问卷调查从5月4日下午1点 开始到5月15日上午11点结束。...