Shopping Madness - Christmas roguelike adventure最新版下载游戏攻略
Do you like shopping? And do you like Christmas? It is the last night before Christmas and you still need to get all of the presents for your nearest and dearest. But the shopping centre is just about to close. So what should you do? Maybe you can hide in the toilets, wait until all the shops are closed and get all the presents you need. However, watch out for the robots and security cameras! You will have to sneak around to ensure that you keep a safe distance from the robots. You choose your tactics. You can silently creep through the ventilation shafts, use teleportation or use your wits and speed to escape between the shop shelves!
Obtaining the presents you need is not always easy. You have to solve challenging puzzles and obtain items which will help you on your quest. The shopping centre also has secret rooms and passages, and there are even rumours of hidden alien Stealth technology! Of course, the position of this technology remains unknown, it is for you to decide whether you are brave enough to find and use it to complete your mission.
The game has several playing modes: Practice, Normal and Hard.
The differences between these modes consist of the number of security robots and the number of presents to be collected. Practice Mode has no robots at all, so that players may enjoy collecting presents and exploring the shopping centre without fear!
Tiny Touchtales 是热门游戏 Zuki’s Quest《祖奇大冒险》以及 One Tap RPG《弹珠风地牢》的开发商,近日他们表示正在着手开发一款全新的卡牌地牢潜行游戏,命名为 Card Crawl《卡牌潜行者》。游戏中融入了经典 Roguelike 的玩法,但是开发商表示会把内容着重放在卡牌上而不是冒险上。
Merry Christmas!圣诞节快乐!国内首款心动卡牌手游《女神大联盟》团队全体成员祝大家圣诞快乐!虽然外面现在是寒冷的冬日,但是依旧无法抵挡大家happy的热情,这不,就连往日一贯高冷的女神们都化身温暖萌妹来为大家送祝福啦!我们精心挑选了三位当家萌妹率先出场,每个妹子送祝福的同时还将送上圣诞特别福利哦!