Find the difference The King of Eyes最新版下载游戏攻略
You may have seen a game like this.
But This game is different.
I will show you what is different by listing below.
■This game has a time limit.
■In this game, score and time are the same.
If you get the correct answer in 28 seconds, 28 scores will be reflected in the score.
Therefore, it is better to win fast.
■This game has a grading system.
The grade is based on the total points and the highest score.
■This game does not end until you have game over.
If you stay longer you will get a lot of scores.
The road to The King of Eyes will be difficult,But You can.
Challenge! and Win!
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以上就是For The King同伴复活攻略,希望能对您有所帮助。...
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