D&D Player Companion Character Sheet & Dice App最新版下载游戏攻略
The D&D Player Companion is a great substitute for old-fashioned pen & paper, optimised for the table-top role-playing game, D&D 5th Edition. It has everything a player needs to keep track in-game, with a Character Sheet and Dice Roller.
Dice Roller
- Roll a single die or multiple dice easily in the Dice section.
- Up to ten customizable presets allow even quicker rolling of dice combinations.
- Need 2d6 + 1d8 + modifier? No problem.
Character Sheet
- No more pen and paper!
- Store character stats for many different characters with the built-in character sheets.
- Long and short rest buttons allow easy tracking of HP and Hit Dice.
More features coming soon!
关于Strike Team的手机APP,IOS设备App store国区暂时还未上线,有国外apple id的可以去其他区下载。安卓可以在Google Play找到。
基本上这个App的作用就是可以让你在手机上管理你的Strike Team,用EA账号登陆,以此赢得单人模式的一些奖励。
另外对于那些暂时还未进入游戏的,这个Strike Team的进度是会保存到你进入游戏里时的。意思就是那些等发...
官方消息,由韩国知名团队研发的卡牌回合制手游《校园传说》即将正式登陆App Store,敬请期待。
网易第一战斗网游大唐无双系列的《大唐无双》手游自2016年底登陆App Store,在iOS平台上掀起了一场重现黄金战斗年代的激情狂欢盛宴:端游经典PVP玩法,“以战养战”战斗模式、独具特色的战歌语音系统、全新的无锁定战斗统统强势登场。近日《大唐无双》手游就获得App Store精品专题推荐。
【重现黄金战斗年代 端游经典称雄指尖】