Create your own Captain Girls Hero最新版下载游戏攻略
It’s time to dress up superhero costumes to superhero girls in order to make your own superhero comics book. This superhero maker helps you to create your own infinity wars superhero from avengers captain marvel with new suit and weapon. Make a superhero that matches your creativity and imaginations. Let’s find a large number of superhero creator avenger team items in the wardrobes of future superhero fight mask or shirt.
This app is a kind of create a character games which you can provides any ideas to dress-up the characters as you like and share to friends and family.
- Have fun in dressing-up many super hero girls from super hero film movie of avengers captain marvel
- Free to play. New players get free coins to add new super hero costumes
- Share the dressed-up girls heroes to via social network to show your unique and styles
- Shop to buy more mask, shirt, suit or weapon
How to:
- Launch the app. This superhero comics creator shows you the first page with a character of heroin
- Tap the icon on the right edge to enter to the game.
- Swipe right to select the character you like to create your own super heros
- Select the item to dress-up the character which can be suite, shirt, trousers and boots
- Note that there are some locked items. Tap the locked one and choose unlock it. This will cost you 250 coins in that category
- Tap next to change the items. Save when finish or choose Home to start from the first page
Let’ create your own infinity wars super hero with this superheros costumes app. Let’s have a new version of wonder woman or Carol Danvers in the costume you like. This game is good for comics and film movies fans and for everyone who loves future super heros fight. Have fun with the new characters you are going to build it. For any feedback or information about this make a super heros game, please feel free to let us know via email. Thanks!
(一) 体力使用与恢复
Ø 每次攻打pve关卡都会消耗一定的体力
Ø 每天如果体力不满,每5分钟自动回复1点体力
Ø 每天中午12点下午18点,会送60点体力,一共120点
Ø 钻石可以买体力,随VIP等级提高相应增加买体力次数,一次买120点,开始50钻,后面会根据买的次数增加
Ø 升级可以加体力上限和体力值
(一) 战役地图
Ø 战场分为闯关、试炼、秘境、远征四个战场玩法类型;
Ø 通过沙盘的关卡入口可以查看关卡详情
Ø 战役分为普通、精英两个难度,每个难度的战役产出材料的方向不同;
Ø 战役开放多个地图供挑战,打完前置章节即可开放后续的地图关卡
(二) 出征功能
Ø 关卡详情中可以查看关卡描述、关卡消耗、掉落以及地方阵容等;
Ø 当玩家三星通关战斗后开启扫荡功能;
(三) 战...