MultiCraft 2 Crafting Adventure & Building Games最新版下载游戏攻略
MultiCraft 2: Crafting Adventure & Building Games, 5 Maps in Survival & Creative
Welcome to MultiCraft 2: Crafting Adventure & Building Games, a game in which you have to survive and fight in the city, fight monsters and zombies that will not leave you day or night, so be vigilant! You are given 5 different maps in creative and survival modes, as well as a multiplayer mode in which you can interact with other players. In creative mode you will get all the items, all the mobs, blocks that make the gameplay more enjoyable.
MultiCraft 2: Crafting Adventure & Building Games is a crafting game with colorful pixel graphics, with perfect detail and stunning style. Enjoy!
MultiCraft 2: Crafting Adventure & Building Games is not an official Mojang app. This game is not affiliated with Minecraft Pocket Edition, Minecraft is a trademark of Mojang and is not supported or affiliated with the Creator of MultiCraft: Building Adventure or its licensors.
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