Candy WoW最新版下载游戏攻略
In order to play and have fun, we beat Candy who has the same color to crush it, then we press 5 more blocks to generate new points which has a special effect!
Thanks to our game for girls and boys you could earn points when the sweets are vertical, horizontal and crossed you can do this magic solo or with friends to see who will reach the highest score!
Create dreams in chocolate cake gardens and go to your imagination in the world of candy to discover many surprises.
This game is 100% free and without WIFI so no internet.
Type of game: Arcade, Strategy, Reflection.
Quick to install on phone and tablet,
The application is very lite lite, so it's very fast to download, it takes up less storage space.
The game consists of a simple and motivating music that is play from several instruments like piano, guitar, drums, an MP3 format.
第一步:地上有个珍珠,亮的,圆的,很明显(在地上有个珍珠的,很小,仔细找,别点其他的 )。
第四步:去苏拉玛那个方向沿路杀蜘蛛精灵开蛛网救鱼人老爹 ...
《小小兽人》是一款第三代动作卡牌。游戏立足经典魔兽世界观,超过300名Q版魔兽超级英雄汇聚指尖上演KUSO爆笑 剧情!更以前所未有的超炫全3D对战,即时微操玩法,革新组合技能体验以及多种独创玩法树立第三代动作卡牌手游全新标杆,被玩家称为:KUSO风魔...
Ø 战场分为闯关、试炼、秘境、远征四个战场玩法类型;
Ø 通过沙盘的关卡入口可以查看关卡详情
Ø 战役分为普通、精英两个度,每个难度的战役产出材料的方向不同;
Ø 战役开放多个地图供挑战,打完前置章节即可开放后续的地图关卡
Ø 关卡详情中可以查看关卡描述、关卡消耗、掉落以及地方阵容等;
Ø 当玩家三星通关战斗后开启扫荡功能;