TakHt 2 Playr Tak Wars最新版下载游戏攻略
Play against a computer or against a friend! A great tank game for 2 player. In this struggle which happens in 3D labyrinths and arenas, your tanks magazine takes 5 ammos. You can take the advantage by picking up power-ups inside of the game. The one who makes 5 hitting wins the game!
Game modes:
• Survival: How long will you survive in the increasingly difficult waves?
• 2 Player Tank Wars: Two player battle in the same device!
The bonuses inside of the game:
• Guided Missile (You can follow your opponent and hit)
• Fragmentation Ammunition (It splits up into pieces after shooting)
• Laser (It goes through the walls and neutralize your opponent)
• Giant Shell (It is much bigger than normal shells and you have more possibility to hit your opponent)
• Extra Life (It gives extra life, only in survival mode.)
Game features:
• Tank trouble wars for 2 player and survival modes for 1 player.
• Original game-play, 3D models and sounds.
• Smooth controller.
• More than 10 diffirent 3D maps.
• Impressive 3D tank animations!
《Rush Wars》是Supercell时隔四年推出的一款策略新作,游戏中我们可以通过对战来获得很多奖励,钻石就是其中之一,它作为比较珍贵的游戏货币,相信很多玩家在玩的时候都会考虑一个问题,那就是钻石怎么用比较划算,毕竟不是每个玩家都是氪金大佬,好钢用在刀刃上才更最大限度地发挥它的价值,下面小湖就给大家带来了一些钻石的使用技巧,大家可以参考一波。
Rush Wars钻石怎么花比较划算
由MISTWALKER与ARZEST开发、以黏土造型模组为特色的对战型RPG《Terra Wars》宣布,将于5月29日至5月31日展开第一回封闭测试(Android),也首度对外释出战斗教学影片,让玩家得以了解本作的实际玩法。
《Terra Wars》是承袭了《Terra Battle》世界观的新作,《Terra Battle》的角色们将以黏土造型登场。玩家可以一边战斗一边推进故事,...