Gold Miner Plus 2019最新版下载游戏攻略
Use your claw and reel to mine gold and other treasures out of the earth. Your claw will swing back and forth. Tap screen to lower it. Once it has grabbed something it will reel it up. Heavy objects like rocks and large pieces of gold will be harder to reel up. Grab bags contain random amounts of money, a strength power-up, or a stick of dynamite. Between levels you can buy items that can help you.
Collect the target amount of money by the end of the level. If you don't meet your goal by the end of the level it's game over. Your money carries over from one level to the next.
If you accidentally blow up everything on a level or you just feel like going on, you can press the "Exit Level" button. If you haven't met your level goal it will be game over.
【活动范围】安卓1-23服 IOS 1-16服
【活动时间】2月27日00:00:00 ---3月2日 23:59:00
傻馒总喜欢拉着哀木涕玩自拍,自恋到天理不容!于是问题来了,一般的机子都无法同时装下两个巨无霸脸..……这不iPhone6 plus也将在艾泽拉斯大陆上市,屏幕又大又宽,简直就是大脸一族的自拍神器啊!这种好消息,怎能逃过傻馒的眼睛呢!于是,傻馒去找哀木涕卖萌啦!那么哀木涕是否会砸锅卖铁给傻馒买新手机呢?检验他们真爱的时候到了!且看哀木涕什么反应吧!