Keep Panda Alive最新版下载游戏攻略
Keep Panda Alive is one of the best keeper games. Play addictive and fun arcade game with physics and animals.
Will You able to Keep it Alive as long as possible, Defend the Panda with the Force against falling obstacles! A fun physic game to make a funny moments.
How to play this Keeper:
• In order to protect the Panda, you must slide your finger across the screen to avoid the obstacles falling down while the Panda are raising up.
• Be careful, if the Panda are hit by the obstacles, it's game over for you and them.
• Collect multiple stars in your journey and unlock many new characters !
Enjoy the Keeper now. And don't forget leave us your comment. Thank you!
《The Alliance Alive》是FuRyu旗下的最新游戏作品,该作目前又3DS独占。可能很多玩家对这款游戏并不熟悉,所以官方近日放出了该作的一批最新游戏截图,让我们一起来看一下吧!
截图显示了该作种类繁多的游戏元素,比如玩家即将探索的整体世界景观,独特的定制战斗模式以及更多。该作迷人的艺术风格绝对吸引眼球。《The Alliance Alive》将于明年在日本地区首发。
不知道大家还记不记得曾经一度特别流行的迷宫RPG游戏,那会儿就连好记星等电子词典上都是类似的游戏。而近日,一款这种复古风的迷宫冒险解谜游戏《The Keep》计划登陆Steam平台,预计本月正式发售,值得一提的是这款游戏此前已经登陆过3DS平台。
《The Keep》是一款以剑与魔法的幻想中世纪为背景的游戏,讲述了一个邪恶的巫师沃崔斯在几个矿井之上建了一座高塔,同时在周边地区横行霸道、鱼肉乡里。...