Picas y Fijas Gif最新版下载_九游手机游戏
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Picas y Fijas Gif最新版下载
Picas y Fijas Gif最新版下载
Picas y Fijas Gif最新版下载游戏攻略
EL JUEGO DE LAS PICAS Y FIJAS ahora en tu celular, con este juego podrás practicar y mejorar tu agilidad mental. Picas y Fijas es un conocido juego de lógica, en el cual el jugador debe de adivinar un numero dado por el programa el cual puede ser de 3 dígitos en nivel fácil, 4 dígitos en nivel medio y 5 dígitos en nivel difícil, este numero que genera la aplicación es aleatorio del 0 al 9 por cada posición, como también no contiene números repetidos, como por ejemplo 4479, sino un numero como 0526. Ademas de esto se hará en determinado numero de intentos de acuerdo al nivel en que lo estés jugando, como también se validara el numero ingresado por el jugador el cual no debe contener números repetidos. La aplicación te mostrará el número que colocaste así como también el número de intentos que te quedan para que tengas un mejor control del juego. Si eres capaz de ganar se te mostrará una divertida imagen Gif para que te puedas reír. Lo fundamental de este juego es mostrar las Picas y Fijas que existen en el numero que ingresa el jugador, teniendo en cuenta que las Picas son los números que existen en el numero ingresado pero no están en la posición del numero generado por la aplicación, las Fijas son aquellos números que ademas de estar en el numero ingresado por el usuario están en la posición del numero generado por la aplicación. Supons el siguiente ejemplo: Numero Generado: 4873. N° Intentos Numero Ingresado Picas Fijas 1 2390 1 0 2 9076 0 1 3 3472 2 1 4 4873 0 4 Suponiendo que el jugador en el cuarto intento haya adivinado certera mente el numero que genera la aplicación se le mostrará una divertida imagen Gif. Dedicatoria: Gonzalo Bolaños, (No esta muerto, pero ya casi se pensiona) ********************************************************************************** THE SET OF THE PICAS AND FIXED now on your phone, with this game you can practice and improve your mental agility. Picas y Fijas is a well-known game of logic, in which the player must guess a number given by the program which can be 3 digits in easy level, 4 digits in medium level and 5 digits in difficult level, this number that generates the application is random from 0 to 9 for each position, as it also does not contain repeated numbers, such as 4479, but a number like 0526. In addition to this will be done in a certain number of attempts according to the level at which you are playing , as well as validating the number entered by the player which should not contain repeated numbers. The application will show you the number you placed as well as the number of attempts you have left so you have better control of the game. If you are able to win you will be shown a fun Gif image so you can laugh. The fundamental thing of this game is to show the Picas and Fijas that exist in the number that the player enters, taking into account that the Picas are the numbers that exist in the entered number but they are not in the position of the number generated by the application, the Fixed are those numbers that in addition to being in the number entered by the user are in the position of the number generated by the application. Let's suppose the following example: Number Generated: 4873. N° Attempts Number Entered Spades Fixed 1 2390 1 0 2 9076 0 1 3 3472 2 1 4 4873 0 4 Assuming that the player in the fourth attempt has guessed correctly the number generated by the application will be shown a fun Gif image. Dedication: Gonzalo Bolaños, (He's not dead, but he's almost retired) GAME OF SPADES And now look at your phone, with this game you can practice and improve your mental agility. Pikes and Fixed is a known logic game in which the player must guess a given program which can be 3 digits in easy level, 4-digit midlevel and 5 digits on hard number, this number that generates is random application from 0 to 9 for each position, as also contains repeated numbers such as 4479, but a number as 0526. Besides this will in certain number of attempts according to the level they are playing , as the number entered by the player which should not contain repeated numbers are also validated. The application will show the number you placed as well as the number of attempts you have left so you have better control of the game. If you are able to earn will show you a funny picture Gif so you can laugh. The essence of this game is showing Spades and Fixed that exist in the number entering the player, considering that the spades are the numbers that exist in the input number but are not in the position of number generated by the application, fixed are those numbers that besides being in the number entered by the user are in the position of number generated by the application. Suppose the following example: Generated number: 4873. No. Attempts number entered Fixed Spades           January 2390 1 0           2 9076 0 1           3 3472 January 2           4 4873 0 4 Assuming the player has guessed the fourth attempt accurate mind the number generated by the application will show a funny picture Gif. Dedication: Gonzalo Bolaños (not dead, but almost retires) ************************************************** ******************************** THE SET OF THE RODS AND FIXED now on your phone, with this game you can practice and Improve Your Mental agility. Pikes and Fixed is a well-known game of logic, in Which the player must guess a number Given by the program Which can be 3 digits in easy level, 4 digits in medium level and 5 digits in difficult level, This number That Generates the random application is from 0 to 9 for each position, as it does not Contain Also Repeated numbers, Such as 4479, but a number like 0526. in Addition to this will be done in a number of Certain Attempts to the level at ACCORDING Which you are playing, as well as validating the number Entered by the player Which Should not Contain Repeated numbers. The application will show you the number you as well as the Placed number of Attempts You have left so you better Have Control of the game. If you are able to win you will be shown a fun Gif image so you can laugh. The important thing of this game is to show the Spades and Fixed That exist in the number That the player Enters, taking into account That the spades are the numbers That exist in the Entered number but They are not in the position of the number generated by the application, the Fixed Those numbers are That in Addition to being in the number Entered by the user are in the position of the number generated by the application. Let's suppose the following example: Generated Number: 4873. No. Attempts Number Entered Fixed Spades           January 2390 1 0           2 9076 0 1           3 3472 January 2           4 4873 0 4 That Assuming the player in the fourth attempt has correctly guessed the number generated by the application will be shown a fun Gif image. Dedication: Gonzalo Bolaños (He's not dead, but he's almost retired)
期待已久的手游代号舰Y即将登陆九游,这款手机游戏吸引了大批玩家的关注,有很多粉丝都在问九游小编代号舰Y好玩吗?代号舰Y值不值得玩?现在就为大家来简单分析下,看看这款游戏的玩法特点和游戏剧情介绍。 1、代号舰Y简要评析: 《代号:舰Y》是一款融合了即时海战、美少女养成、社交互动等玩法于一体的3D舰娘题材手游,游戏特别邀请到了殿堂级画师、日本一线声优、知名剧情师致力为大家带来视、听、玩三重极致体验...
相信大家对香肠派对这款游戏不陌生,那么大家在玩这款游戏时是否跳过Y城呢?我们知道Y城是一座在地图比较中心的城市,同时也很肥,如果能够良好的利用这块资源,那么胜利的天平会倾斜很多。今天小编就给大家介绍一种Y城打法吧。 香肠派对Y城攻略: Y城在地图中位于中心,实乃兵家必争之地。但因为地理位置特殊。这个地方实际跳不了多少人。而且因为处在中心跑毒也很方便。 图中红圈框出的地方不仅人少,还是...
期待已久的手游Y的冒险R即将登陆九游,这款手机游戏吸引了大批玩家的关注,有很多粉丝都在问九游小编Y的冒险R好玩吗?Y的冒险R值不值得玩?现在就为大家来简单分析下,看看这款游戏的玩法特点和游戏剧情介绍。 1、Y的冒险R简要评析: Y的冒险R是一款日系漫画风格的横版闯关游戏,游戏模式以跑酷为主,有着丰富的关卡设计,创意小细节和关卡惊喜无处不在,并且可以选择多个人物进行冒险.玩家需要一边穿越障碍向前...
《Picas y Fijas Gif最新版下载》下载版本说明
《Picas y Fijas Gif最新版下载》没有电视没有电脑很无聊怎么办?那就玩Picas y Fijas Gif吧,下载方便不占手机内存还可以打发时间带来很多乐趣,还等什么!赶紧下载吧!当然每款Picas y Fijas Gif都有很多个版本,要玩下载哪个版本呢?这里小编当然建议要玩就玩最新版啦,最新版不仅修复了之前版本的一些漏洞,而且还有新增的一些玩法或系统,让Picas y Fijas Gif变得更加丰富完善,那么哪里可以下载最新版呢?那就来九游门户下载Picas y Fijas Gif吧!
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