Face scanner: dinosaur怎样领取每日奖励游戏攻略
Scanner face: what are you dinosaur in jurassic period? App dino-trick finds the face on photo and fixes on it the sticker of the ancient raptor.
Be honest, you wanted to go to the dino park? Feel youself like a tyrannosaurus and tear to pieces the foolish hunters? But bear in mind that may you have to chew the grass, because the simulator face scanner randomly picks an image of a monster, and you can be herbivorous iguanodon!
Call friends, take a selfie and tell what you're gonna show them what a dinosaur is hiding in you. Ask if they want to learn the secret of what they were in the jurassic period? Take a picture of a brave man and fun app will choose a random sticker with a picture of the ancient raptor. Who wants to fly? Hey, pterodactyl, come here!
Trick friends, but remember the "Face scanner: dinosaur" is a simulator, which selects the label randomly. And don't cry then you wanted to be a tyrannosaurus!
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