Welcome to DrawParty!
This mobile game for Chromecast is great when having friends or family over. Using an Android phone or tablet connected to a TV using chromecact. Create two teams and the team who guesses most drawings wins the game. You can use the standard pencil tool but also the ruler and spray methods to make things more challenging.
《DrawParty for Chromecast安全下载》下载版本说明
《DrawParty for Chromecast安全下载》随着智能手机的发展,同类DrawParty for Chromecast也越来越多,不法的开发商也就混杂其中,让我们使用者不小心就会被暗扣中病毒,安全下载显得尤为重要。使用这么多的网站,小编推荐九游,这是让小编放心的游戏站点,它所有游戏均已通过安全检测,提供全面使用的无插件、无病毒、无暗扣的DrawParty for Chromecast,你可以放心的下载,安心的使用。