Brawl Stars ROMANIA快速下载游戏攻略
Brawl Stars, descarca jocul si incearca sa ghicesti toti brawlerii !
In joc sa gasesc toti BRAWLERII, descarca jocul si incearca sa ii ghicesti pe toti !
Unele nivele ale jocului sunt simple dar altele mult mai grele !
Scopul jocului este sa ghiciti personajele aplicatiei - BRAWL STARS - ajutati de imaginile de pe fundal, unele nivele sunt mai grele pentru ca imaginile sunt mai greu de descoperit !
DESCARCA jocul si incearca sa ghicesti toti BRAWLERII !
Brawl Stars, download the game and try to guess all the brawlers!
In the game I find all BRAWLERS, download the game and try to guess them all!
Some levels of the game are simple but some are heavier!
The purpose of the game is to guess the characters of the application - BRAWL STARS - helped by the background images, some levels are heavier because images are harder to find!
Download the game and try to guess all BRAWLER!
荒野乱斗是最新超热门游戏Brawl Stars的中文版本,在画面方面,依旧保持着Supercell一贯的简洁明快风格,地图设计充满荒野风,加上丰富的玩法,荒野乱斗带给你下一个奇迹。
荒野乱斗(brawl stars)手游是一款来自国外知名公司推出的新游戏。brawl stars手游是一档3V3MOBA射击,通过使用各种技能和道具消灭对手即可获得胜利!
为玩家分享的是荒野乱斗Brawl Stars新手玩家入门攻略教程,那么下面就来看看都有哪些需要注意的吧!想了解的玩家千万别错过喽!一起来看看下面的文章吧!希望对玩家有所帮助哦!
为玩家分享的是荒野乱斗Brawl Stars全英雄的入门及进阶,那么下面就来让我们认识一下吧!希望可以帮助到玩家哦!来了解下这些已知的英雄入门进阶攻略
生命800 成长40
攻击80/子弹(满额五倍伤害) 成长4
大招80/子弹 成长4