Hey K-popers , , , ,
are you fans twice ???
are you are the real k-popers???
Your favorite song Twice is here at your finger, this game is simply enjoy the game by taping on black tiles.
Twice Piano tiles is the best piano tiles ,you can play the most popular song of Twice.
Twice Piano tiles new piano game for fans.
This game piano music song of twice with piano music instrument.
this application consists of several modes:
1. mode piano
2. mode hard
for piano mode, don't tap it wrong. for bomb mode don't tap the bomb because it is a bomb
list rhytme in this application are:
1. Likey
2. Cheer Up
3. Dance The Night Away
4. Heart Shaker
5. Knock Knock
6. Ooh Ahh
7. Signal
8. What Is Love
9. TT
don't forget to give this application a rate so that it becomes a well-known application.
This game is not an official app.
There is no copyrighted material , or his record label.
For entertainment purposes only.
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