Welcome to DrawParty!
This mobile game for Chromecast is great when having friends or family over. Using an Android phone or tablet connected to a TV using chromecact. Create two teams and the team who guesses most drawings wins the game. You can use the standard pencil tool but also the ruler and spray methods to make things more challenging.
《DrawParty for Chromecast免费下载》下载版本说明
《DrawParty for Chromecast免费下载》九游提供的所有DrawParty for Chromecast下载均为免费,DrawParty for Chromecast免费下载请选择九游!你在下载游戏时,只需要给你的手机号所在运营商支付GPRS流量费用,当然WIFI的朋友就不需要支付流量费用了。或使用电脑进行DrawParty for Chromecast下载的朋友也完全免费下载,不需要交纳其他任何费用!一般需要收费下载的很有可能是欺骗大家的!想要免费下载游戏请认准九游哦!