Buddy+Egg Speed for Pokemon GO破解版下载游戏攻略
How to use:
1) GO
, Buddy+Egg Speed for Pokemon GO, and turn it on
2) A notification and pie chart overlay will appear,, showing useful information about your speeds and distances.
3) Open Pokemon GO and play as you usually would. This app will vibrate your phone when speed limits are reached!
NOTICE: Be sure you are OUTSIDE when using this app so that the GPS satellites have a better lock on you. A good GPS signal is required to report speed accurately.
* Real-time monitoring of your speed and egg hatching or buddy candy distance!
* Real-time pie chart overlay, with average and max speeds
* Notification which runs alongside Pokemon Go.
* Stop or pause the app right from the notification or pie chart overlay.
* Setting to choose km/h or mi/h
* Setting to turn vibration on/off
* Setting to choose size of pie chart overlay
* Setting to turn off pie chart overlay
全民一起抓精灵吧!虽然现在在国内口袋妖怪go是处于锁区的状态,但是很多玩家还是通过跨服或者是越狱的方式进行下载来玩,不过最近有很多玩家都在反应说在登陆Pokemon Go的时候出现白屏的现象,那么要怎么办呢?如何解决呢?九游小编在接下来也为大家带来了口袋妖怪go登陆白屏解决方法,希望对大家有帮助哦!
Pokemon Go登陆白屏原因
pokemon go太阳精灵在哪抓?下面就和小编一起来看看pokemon go太阳精灵坐标位置分享吧!
看了上边这篇《pokemon go》太阳精灵坐标位置分享,各位玩家是否都了解相关信息了呢!找精彩好玩手机游戏请浏览九游。
根据IGN的报道,早在今年4月,曾拍摄《魔兽》、《蝙蝠侠》系列、《哥斯拉》等电影的传奇影业便有拍摄《口袋妖怪》电影的计划,并与任天堂展开磋商,同时索尼和华纳兄弟也被报道过类似消息。而随着《口袋妖怪:GO》火爆全球,《口袋妖怪》电影计划再次被传奇影业提出,有传言说传奇影业即将获得授权,网上还流传着编剧Max Landis(代表作《超能失控》)正在为了真人电影撰写剧本,但均未得到证实。