Flicky Switch玩不了怎么办游戏攻略
Does anyone even read this?
Honestly, you just flick a switch, and in turn, the light talks to you in an attempt to save you from boredom.
However, the light doesn't respond to what you say because that would be too difficult. I'm not a genius. It's pretty much just a very long, one-sided conversation about random information, trivia, stories, intimate feelings, and jokes.
-You can upgrade the amount of energy you get by reaching certain levels of energy, by watching video advertisements, and one upgrade requires an in-app purchase, which keeps the light on, thus doubling the amount of energy you get.
-You can change the background color to a list of different colors in the shop.
-You can also change the skins (after reaching certain levels of energy or by watching video advertisements) of the lights, light switches, and the screws (they spin if you tap them, but they only spin clockwise).
-Just a big ol' one-sided story really.
活动时间:2019-02-27 16:10:46 至 2019-03-06 23:59:51
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