Capture Play无法安装怎么办游戏攻略
Capture Play is a board game with blocks of picture. After some time the picture blocks gets shuffled.
How to play?
1. Open App and Give Permission of Camera And Storage(NOTE: Camera and storage are used to take live pictures of your own wish and use them in puzzle)
2. Select Level i.e Easy, Medium, Hard.
3. Select the initial picture with which you want to play.
4. See image throughly before it gets shuffled within 5 seconds. After that reassemble it. For help you can see the original image.
5. You can capture an image using camera and make puzzle of it.
6. You can also select an image from gallery for puzzle.
7. You can solve the puzzle by viewing an Ad by clicking on Solve Button.
新年假期悄然而逝,即便心有不甘但不得不工作呢!而就在昨晚,EA为我们带来了一则值得期待的好消息:那就是正式确定2018年EA play展将于今年6月9日在美国Hollywood Palladium正式举行。
据悉,EA此次活动将从6月9日开启并持续三天时间,至于EA会不会在PLAY 2018上举行发布会尚还不能完全肯定,但根据以往的习惯还是非常有可能的,并且大家还将一睹EA最新的游戏画面...
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