Beer Toss App无法打开游戏攻略
Ever wish you had an app that would determine who will buy the first round of beers?
Introducing Beer Toss, the latest way to answer the question “who’s going to buy the first round?” By downloading this app, you’ll never have to wonder who’s buying the first round of Beer! Play Beer Toss as a group and the lowest score buys the first round! Find a betting man or women, to play Beer Toss with, and you may not have to pay for a beer all night! It’s the adult version of paper, rock, scissors!
- Test your reflexes against a spinning table.
- Competitive and highly additive game.
- Toss the Beer mug onto the spinning table and try to score higher than your drinking buddies!
- Hit the yellow target for maximum points, red target gets you 1 point. Hit the white and you'll have some spilled beer!
累计充值额度 礼包内容
1000元 魔神共鸣*1、保护...
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