Buddy+Egg Speed for Pokemon GO无法打开游戏攻略
How to use:
1) GO
, Buddy+Egg Speed for Pokemon GO, and turn it on
2) A notification and pie chart overlay will appear,, showing useful information about your speeds and distances.
3) Open Pokemon GO and play as you usually would. This app will vibrate your phone when speed limits are reached!
NOTICE: Be sure you are OUTSIDE when using this app so that the GPS satellites have a better lock on you. A good GPS signal is required to report speed accurately.
* Real-time monitoring of your speed and egg hatching or buddy candy distance!
* Real-time pie chart overlay, with average and max speeds
* Notification which runs alongside Pokemon Go.
* Stop or pause the app right from the notification or pie chart overlay.
* Setting to choose km/h or mi/h
* Setting to turn vibration on/off
* Setting to choose size of pie chart overlay
* Setting to turn off pie chart overlay
虽然最近一直有小道消息,说Pokemon go即将开放国服,但事实是,目前为止(2016年8月8日),国内依然只有极少一部分地区可以玩,不少玩家被逼的只能使用飞机版游戏玩。下面就分享一个Pokemon go自动挂机脚本,此脚本使用电脑操作,为脱机辅助,使用后你就不用再自己操作,脚本会自动练级抓精灵,自动挂机,非常的强悍,下面是具体的下载地址以及关于这个自动挂机脚本的使用教程,这个脚本是最新版本哦,...
很多玩家通过兔兔助手下载的iOS版pokemon go玩一段时间后,就会出现闪退,无法验证,进不去的问题,而且也无法重新下载,会提示下载失败,安装包损坏等,这无疑是给广大精灵宝可梦GO玩家带来了极差的体验。下面就来介绍下解决这些问题的办法。
iOS版的pokemon go用户出现闪退、证书无法验证、一直提示尚未验证,或者无法下载,无法安装,这些问题都是由于pokemon go游戏...