Buddy+Egg Speed for Pokemon GO怎么下载游戏攻略
How to use:
1) GO
, Buddy+Egg Speed for Pokemon GO, and turn it on
2) A notification and pie chart overlay will appear,, showing useful information about your speeds and distances.
3) Open Pokemon GO and play as you usually would. This app will vibrate your phone when speed limits are reached!
NOTICE: Be sure you are OUTSIDE when using this app so that the GPS satellites have a better lock on you. A good GPS signal is required to report speed accurately.
* Real-time monitoring of your speed and egg hatching or buddy candy distance!
* Real-time pie chart overlay, with average and max speeds
* Notification which runs alongside Pokemon Go.
* Stop or pause the app right from the notification or pie chart overlay.
* Setting to choose km/h or mi/h
* Setting to turn vibration on/off
* Setting to choose size of pie chart overlay
* Setting to turn off pie chart overlay
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Pokemon Go 安卓版下载教程:
首先在手机上的浏览器,地址栏输入 tongbu...
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具体有Pokemon ...