游戏下载Blinky Bird游戏攻略
Help Blinky the bird impress all his social media followers by scoring the most points. Blinky can be controlled by tapping, yawning or blinking. Get ready to experience a glamorous adventure!
• 4 Game modes: Tap, Shout, Yawn or Blink your way to victory!
• Fine-tune the shout, yawn and blink detection to your liking
• Play as either Blinky or 8 of his unlockable friends
• Get dressed for success, Blinky has 23 hats to unlock
The game is inspired by the original flappy game which became a hit in 2014, but with the additional feature of a player being able to control the game via facial expressions. This is achieved by utilizing image recognition. The game is powered by OpenCV and Dlib to detect the facial landmarks of the player. The blink and yawn detector is based on the metric eye-aspect-ratio, introduced by Soukupová and Čech in their 2016 paper, Real-Time Eye Blink Detection Using Facial Landmarks. Settings for detecting blinking and yawning can be fine-tuned in the settings menu.
Icons from the following Flaticon designers:
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玩家玩《Flappy Bird》通关失败怒砸手机
《Flappy Bird》是一款越南程序员制作的小游戏,这款简单的小游戏早在2013年5月就推向市场,直到11月才开始逐渐吸引到用户。但到了今年1月份迅速爆发,长期占据美国地区App Store和Google Play免费应用前十位置。
Flappy Bird是一款来自越南开发者Dong Nguyen的像素风休闲游戏。游戏的玩法很简单,玩家只需要点击屏幕躲避水管即可,但是游戏的难度非常大,稍有不慎就会game over。这款游戏能拿到10分以上就是大神级玩家了,小编在挂了无数次后为大家总结了一些高分过关技巧,希望对大家有所帮助。
flappy bird技巧大全:
《RETRY》是《愤怒的小鸟》的开发商旗下新成立的游戏发行部门推出的一款风格和玩法都很像《Flappy Bird》的休闲新作,游戏已在苹果 App Store 加拿大区、芬兰区和波兰区测试上架。
《RETRY》无论是在风格还是玩法都很有 Flappy Bird 的感觉,玩家通过单指点击屏幕控制一架飞机通过各种障碍物,最终到达终点。