Bubble Lost for SMART people怎么下载到手机游戏攻略
"Bubble Lost" is Thinking Game and the GOAL is simple:
The white bubble need to reach his center point by your help.
How To Play?
In order to achive the goal, you need to progress the bubble by moving up and down, right and left (but NOT diagonally).
The movement can be done as follows: All the Circles can move according to two terms:
1. A Circle can only move toward another Circle in its same row or column.
2. A Circle must move all the way to another Circle until its path is blocked even if passing over the center point.
In "Bubble Lost" there is a THREE worlds and each world there is 20 levels.
Moreover, you can change the white bubble to another skins that available on the store.
So come on and help the white bubble reach his central point!
成就一栏就是你在游戏中获得了各种成就展示。 ...
开服时间:5月10日10:00 首测1服【瞒天过海】
在日前成都国色天乡水上乐园举行的万人泡泡跑活动中,国民级策略手游《亮有一计》闪亮登场,为首次删档测试举行了一次特别的“亮相”仪式。 ...
开服时间:5月10日10:00 首测1服【瞒天过海】