Deadly Bird占内存小吗游戏攻略
Deadly Bird is a mobile Game. It was developed by German video game developer @Hunnenkönig| The game is a acrade mobile video game where the player controls a dead bird, named "Deady", he moves continuously to the up, between sets of pipes. If the player touches the pipes, they lose. "Deady" briefly flaps upward each time that the player taps the Screen; if the screen is not tapped, "Deady" falls because of gravity; each pair of pipes that he navigates between earns the player a single point.
Deadly Bird is a mobile game. It was developed by German video game developer @ Hunnenkönig | The game is a mobile video game where the player controls a dead bird, named "Deady", he moves continuously to the top, between sets of pipes. If the player touches the pipes, they are loose. "Deady" briefly flaps upward each time that the player taps the screen; if the screen is not tapped, "deady" if because of gravity; each pair of pipes that navigates between earns the player a single point.
还记得14年初掀起的那阵虐心游戏《Flappy Bird》热吗?一只小小的像素鸟让多少人熬夜疯狂刷分为之疯狂,而这次事件神奇的转折点在于当游戏还余温未了时,其开发者——来自越南的独立游戏人阮哈东却选择激流勇退,将其下架苹果商店,就此错失每天数万美元的致富良机,算得上游戏史上别开生面的一页吧。同年8月,阮哈东推出了个人第二款游戏《摇摆直升机》(Swing Copters),同样主打一键式虐心——通...
阮哈东(Nguyen Ha Dong)是热门免费应用《Flappy Bird》的开发者,在上周末,他吸引了全世界的目光,因为这位越南开发者突然将《Flappy Bird》从应用商店下架。如果你还在等待这款游戏的归来,死心吧,阮哈东已经表示《Flappy Bird》将永久性地消失。
“《Flappy Bird》的设计初衷是让用户心情放松地玩上几分钟。”阮哈东在日前接受采访时表示:“但是它不...
《Demolition Crush》是由 AppMania 操刀制作的一款物理益智手游,官方近日放出了游戏截图,在游戏中玩家需要扮演一名从小励志当爆破专家的家伙,凭藉自己所掌握的爆破知识犯下累累爆炸案件。游戏主张玩家使用最少的炸弹来造成最大的破坏,所以这也就牵扯到力学和连锁效应方面的问题,总共 180 道设计巧妙的关卡足够有排玩。