Adventure Bird - Best Escape中文版下载游戏攻略
Rescue Adventure Bird From Cage is the latest point and click escape game created by
The concept of the game is to Rescue Adventure Bird From Cage. In this game, While you were in vacation at your grandparents this summer, you got a new pet. It's not an ordinary pet, it's a little bird. You found this bird wounded and took care of it until it got better. Than you released it to the wild, but the little bird was so grateful that often came back to you. You named the bird Mugil. Almost everyday Mugil came by to get some food and play with you. Still the next week Mugil didn't show up. You knew something was wrong so went to investigate. That's how you found Mugil locked in a cage. Help the little bird escape. Good luck and have fun!
还记得那款魔性的《Flappy Bird》游戏吗?日前,《华盛顿邮报》就参考了这款游戏开发了一款以美国2016年总统大选竞选人为主角的游戏--《Floppy Candidate》。该家媒体介绍称:“毫不夸张地说,由(公司)内部工程师、设计师和开发者组成的团队打造出了一款可以帮助你玩转大选季的软件。”
跟《Flappy Bird》一样,《Floppy Candidate》也使用了8位像素级的画面,...
在上周举办的PSX 2017展会上,经典游戏《最后的守护者VR》正式公布并展示了试玩版。今天索尼互动娱乐宣布,该游戏的Best Hits版发售,同时免费上线了PSVR《最后的守护者VR Demo》,感兴趣的小伙伴可以前往体验下。
·《最后的守护者(The Last Guardian)》是由Team ICO制作,Sony发行的一款3D动作冒险游戏,讲述一个少年与一只名叫特瑞克的神奇动物之间的传...
近日,全球领先的数字和社交游戏开发、发行商Gameloft与世界知名电子游戏公司世嘉(SEGA)共同宣布,另玩家翘首以盼的《Sonic Runners Adventure》将于12月20日在App Store及Google Play双端发布。为确保玩家能够与这只世界上速度最快的刺猬并驾齐驱,游戏专门为玩家开启了预购。现在前往App Store预订游戏,游戏将会在发售当天自动下载到玩家的设备上。